Monday - Friday 6.30 am - 6.30 pm 52 weeks of the year (closed all public holidays)

Transition Program

At Boutique Bubs we strive to prepare all children for their journey into primary school. We work closely with the children throughout the year and make sure they are meeting and achieving each outcome under the Early Years Learning Framework. We understand each child is a unique individual and that children learn in their own way and time.

Our kindergarten will work closely with both the families and schools to provide information about each child and how to approach their learning style when joining school.

Every child attending our funded kindergarten program that is going to school will have a Transition Learning and Development Statement (Transition Statement) written for them. Our early childhood teacher writes a child's Transition Statement with assistance from our assistant educators within the kindergarten room to ensure that nothing is missed in relation to your child.

This report identifies the strengths of the child and areas that schools may like to work on to further a child's education and development. Ongoing communication and relationships with children and families throughout the year help build these reports.

Families are invited to contribute to the Transition Statement filling out a family section of the report, which are then sent to your child's primary schools for future reference.

Supporting children's readiness for school is about assisting them to develop their skills in areas such as literacy, numeracy and self-care at a time when they are ready, and at their own pace. Children's social competence is at the core of their readiness for school and effective school transition. Social skills such as sharing, turn taking and playing well with other children are essential in assisting children's short and long term success at school and at Boutique Bubs we focus on these skills.

Useful school preparation activities might include:

  • Encouraging a child's participation in group games and experiences;
  • Supporting children to cooperate with peers and make friendships in free play situations;
  • Having regular 'lunch box' days so children can practice opening these and eating their own lunch;
  • Talking positively with children about starting school;
  • Discussing school visits or orientation events with children, before and after they occur;
  • Arranging a visit to the local school so children can get used to the environment and activities;
  • Encouraging a child's independence in all areas of self care;
  • Helping children to use pencils, crayons, textas, scissors and glue unassisted; and
  • Regularly reading with children.

Boutique Bubs Kindergarten program promotes the skills necessary to support a child's readiness for school including:.

Social skills to support children to:

  • Positively approach other children and make friends;
  • Participate in play;
  • Express emotions and deal with conflict appropriately;
  • Show interest in others and form friendships;
  • Express their needs and wants appropriately;
  • Separate from parents or primary carers;
  • Take turns in games and activities;
  • Share toys and equipment;
  • Follow some directions and understand some rules;
  • Participate in groups; and
  • Cope with transitions between routines and experiences.

Cognitive skills to support children to:

  • Show natural curiosity and interest in learning new things;
  • Have confidence in learning; and
  • Be interested in solving problems.

Language skills to support children to:

  • Use language to ask questions and communicate their thoughts and ideas;
  • Listen to others; and
  • Enjoy books and being read to.

Independence and life skills to support children to:

  • Cope with a small amount of supervision in a variety of situations;
  • Toilet and dress themselves independently;
  • Unpack their lunch box and use a drink bottle; and
  • Deal with a structured environment.

Physical skills to support children to:

  • Use pencils, crayons, textas and scissors; and
  • Balance, run, jump, and use equipment such as balls and climbing apparatus.