Monday - Friday 6.30 am - 6.30 pm 52 weeks of the year (closed all public holidays)

Frequently Asked Questions Answered

What happens if I want to go on the waiting list, is there a waiting list fee? Should I call to check where I am on the wait list over time if I haven’t heard from you?

There is no fee to go on our waiting list. You are always welcome to call our service to check where you are regarding the position of your child on our wait list.

Can I waitlist my child prior to birth?

Yes. We recommend that you do this at the earliest time as this will enhance your child’s chances of obtaining a place. On our waitlist form please enter your child as a ‘baby’ followed by your last name. Your child’s name and date of birth can then be added after birth.

How early should I join the waitlist?

The earlier the better as this will increase your chances of obtaining a booking.

When can I visit the centre?

We welcome parents to come along and tour our Centre. No booking is required to tour our Centre, however, to be able to view each room at the Centre a booking would be preferable to agree on a suitable time for both parties.

What does your daily rate include?

Our daily rate includes everything. Nappies, bedding, nutritional morning tea, cooked lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack. Incursions and excursions are also included as part of our fees. All age groups have a weekly music and movement program run by an external company called Hey Dee Ho Music. We also have a weekly sports program for the 2-5 year old children run by an external company called Kelly Sports.

Is there an initial payment required to secure my child’s place once an ongoing position is offered for my child?

We require a $100 non-refundable deposit (bond). The deposit will come off your fees once your child has started care at our Centre.

Is there a minimum number of days of attendance?

No. We endeavour to provide you with as much flexibility as possible. It is up to you if you require one day, several days or full time. However, we recommend your child attend Boutique Bubs for two days or more per week to allow your child to settle in quickly and to get the most benefit from our curriculum and programs.

Can I claim Government rebates?

Yes. If your child is enrolled at Boutique Bubs you are eligible for Government benefits as we are a registered childcare provider.

Does Boutique Bubs comply with the Government regulations on staff to child ratios?

Yes. These ratios are:
0-3 year olds 1:4
3-5 year olds 1:11

What age groups are available at Boutique Bubs?

At Boutique Bubs we group children based on their ages and stages of development as we believe children learn best when they are surrounded by peers of similar ages and stages of development and growth.

Our Nursery room caters for ages 6 weeks to 18 months accommodating 12 children with three educators. Our Toddlers room caters for ages 18 months to 36 months and accommodates 20 children with a maximum of five educators in the room.

Our 3-5 year old Kindergarten room is designed to accommodate up to 30 children with three educators.

Are families able to bring their own food and drinks to the Centre?

No (with the exception of a birthday cake – see question below). It is important that families understand that Food Safety Regulations complemented by our food safety program means that families are not permitted to bring food or drinks into Boutique Bubs. Our highly skilled cook prepares all nutritional meals – morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack. By controlling the preparation of meals it enables our Centre to maintain high standards of nutrition and quality and, most importantly, ensures that Boutique Bubs cater for the specific needs of our children including avoiding nuts and other allergy producing foods.

Are we permitted to bring a birthday cake for our child’s birthday?

Yes. However, the cake must be the product of a commercial operation (shop), be in its original packaging and all ingredients clearly identified. On arrival at Boutique Bubs please ensure that the birthday cake is given to our cook or room leader who will ensure that it contains no unsuitable ingredients (eg.nuts) and it is stored correctly.

What happens if my child does not like the meal that is on the menu for that day?

Our cook designs the centre menu not only to meet nutritional requirements but also with your communication and input from your child in mind.

If your child is a selective eater and likely not to try new foods or doesn't have a large variety of foods they like we do offer an alternate meal (sandwich) so they wont go hungry. Then in discussion with the parents we come up with an action plan on how to ensure this is not ongoing at every meal and that the child slowly learns to integrate to our meals to meet nutrition standards. This usually is quite a quick and simple process as children tend to learn best from their peers and are willing to try new foods whilst in the company of their friends who are eating those meals. Often what they don't eat at home they will eat at Boutique Bubs.

What if my child has anaphylaxis, allergies or special dietary requirements?

All educators have a First Aid Response in an Education and Care setting inclusive of CPR and are trained in asthma, anaphylaxis management and the administration of adrenalin auto-injection devices. Boutique Bubs has a comprehensive Food Safety Policy and our cook, as well as management (Director and Assistant Director), are all Food Safety Supervisors. All educators have a Food Handlers Certificate.

At Boutique Bubs we consider all dietary requirements are important. Our cook caters for all dietary and religious requirements, vegetarian, gluten free just to name a few. Boutique Bubs is a nut free zone and ask that all parents respect this policy.

What if my child is sick?

We request that you keep your child home if they are sick. This helps reduce the risk to other children and staff. If your child becomes sick during their day at the centre, we will ring the parent’s contact numbers on the enrolment form. Please ensure that all contact numbers are correct and up to date.

What happens on public holidays or when my child is away due to illness?

Normal fees will apply when your booked day falls on a public holiday or absence due to holidays or illness.

Do you offer holiday discounts?

A holiday discount of 25% of your fees is applied to 2 weeks per financial year (pro-rata) provided your child has attended our Centre for 6 months or more. You will also be required to give the Centre two weeks written notice requesting 25% rate holidays and your fees will also need to be up to date to be approved for this discount.

What happens when my child’s educator is away?

At Boutique Bubs we have a team of permanent and part time educators all of whom are employed by us. The part time educators provide us with the ability to cover any staff absences, which means that your child will always be cared for by someone who is familiar to them.

Is your 3 year old kindergarten program funded and conducted by an appropriately qualified teacher?

Three-Year-Old Kindergarten is now available across the state. From this year, three-year-old children across Victoria can access at least five hours of a funded kindergarten program each week. These program hours will increase to 15 hours a week for 40-weeks of the year by 2029.

Is your 4 year old kindergarten program funded and conducted by an appropriately qualified teacher?

Yes, our program is funded and conducted by an appropriately qualified teacher who holds a Bachelor of Education. The program run at Boutique Bubs is the same as you will find in council kindergartens and private schools. However, unlike programs run in private schools and council kindergartens Boutique Bubs operates 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday during 52 weeks of the year (except public holidays).

What is the difference between a kindergarten program in a long day care (childcare) centre and a standalone kindergarten?

Children can attend a Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program at either a long day care (childcare) centre or at a standalone kindergarten. These services are places that might also offer a four-year-old kindergarten program.

A long day care centre can offer a full day of education and care, including a kindergarten program. The teacher-led kindergarten program is integrated with additional hours of education and care. At a standalone service, a kindergarten program will only operate on certain days and at specific times. These days and hours are set by the kindergarten service.

No matter where your child goes to kindergarten, teachers and trained educators will lead the program.