Monday - Friday 6.30 am - 6.30 pm 52 weeks of the year (closed all public holidays)
At Boutique Bubs, we believe that the orientation process is an important part of successfully transitioning your child into our childcare family.
That’s why we offer two complimentary orientation sessions for all newly enrolled families. Once your child’s enrolment is finalised, you will be invited to book in your orientation sessions for the week before starting care. This allows your child to become familiar with the environment before they start.
This is a great opportunity to bring in any outstanding paperwork, and discuss your child’s needs with the Centre Director and Room Leader. You will also have the opportunity to be there for your child’s first experience.
Your first orientation will be a two hour session from 9-11am or 10-12pm depending on their age and if sleep times are required. This is the core time our development-learning program is delivered. The two-hour introductory session provides children with the opportunity to begin building a relationship with their teachers, meet their classmates, and explore their new environment.
The second orientation will be a four hour session from either 9am-1pm or 10am-2pm, again dependant on their age and sleep requirements. This longer session will be inclusive of a mealtime and rest period so they are introduced to our daily routine.
Families are welcome to participate in the classroom, or spend time in other areas of the centre’s facilities, such as the staff room.
My Child's First Day
As the first day at Boutique Bubs draws closer, you and your child may experience a range of emotions about that day. It is common for children (and parents) to experience feelings of anxiety in the lead up to starting care.
In children, these feelings are often caused by a fear of the unknown, as the child has no point of reference to draw upon when they are faced with a new environment or experience.
However, it is timely to remember that we have already met you and your child, and have learnt much about you already. Our Educators will use this knowledge to help your child from the settling in period to the time when your child will excitedly come into the room anticipating the day at the Centre.
It takes time for them to adjust to their routine, build relationships, and understand that their new childcare is a fun, safe, and happy place. Some children settle quickly, some take longer. Either way, the tips below will make your child’s first day at childcare (and the days after) a more positive experience for your little one, and for you.
Prepare Your Child
- Talk calmly and confidently to your child about what will occur in the Centre, for example, new friends and exciting activities such as playing with different toys, painting, music and games.
- Take your child to the Centre for short visits before the actual starting date.
- Drive past the Centre on the weekends.
- Involve your child in choosing their bag and labelling it so that they can recognise it.
- Modeling positive behaviours and attitudes plays an important role in the success of the first day of school, and the weeks thereafter. Keep discussions about childcare positive, and focus on things that your child is likely to enjoy. Children pick up on parent's feelings, behaviours, and emotions, and are likely to emulate them if you are feeling upset or uncertain.
- If you are feeling nervous about your little ones first day, please feel free to contact our Director. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, and provide you with emotional support in the lead up to your child's first day with us.
First Day
- Ensure that your child's bag contains a water bottle, changes of clothing (with your child's name on it) and, especially comfort items such as pacifiers and soft toys.
- For children over two, this may include encouraging your child to pack their own bag, find their favourite comforter, or sing a happy 'school day' themed song.
- Arrive with time to spare. Your child is more likely to settle readily if unhurried.
- Spend time with your child's educators and ensure that you communicate any information needed to continue your child's care routines.
- Bring your child in without siblings to make it easier for your child to settle. Of course, siblings are more than welcome once your child has settled.
- When it is time for you to leave, do so quickly. Whenever possible, settle your child into an activity, say goodbye and go. Even though a child understands that you will be coming back, the moment of parting can still be sad.
- Be certain to say goodbye. Use set phrases such as 'I'm going now' and 'I will be back after rest time'. Smile. Children take their social cues from their parents. If a parent appears happy and confident in the Centre environment, the child will too.
- Saying goodbye develops a secure and trusting relationship between you and your child. Even if your child is distressed, leaving without a farewell breaks trust.
- Ring the Centre throughout the day to find out about how your child has settled.
At end of the Day
- Read the written communication about your child's day (e.g. food and drink, nappy change and sleep times).
- Gather information from the Educators about the activities your child enjoyed and any new friends your child has made so you can talk about them with your child on the way home. Focus on the positive aspects of their day, such as their favourite activity, or playing with friends. By consistently reinforcing the positive aspects of their day, your child will learn that their new environment is a fun and happy place, and their feelings of anxiety will decrease over time.
- Ensure that you have collected your child's bag and contents, especially any comfort items.
In no time at all, your child will happily anticipate their day at Boutique Bubs with their friends and Educators.