Monday - Friday 6.30 am - 6.30 pm 52 weeks of the year (closed all public holidays)
Educational Curriculum at Boutique Bubs
Education and care services such as Boutique Bubs are covered by the National Quality Framework and must provide a program based on an approved learning framework. Approved learning frameworks are the frameworks named in the National Regulations. There are two national approved learning frameworks and four State or Territory specific approved learning frameworks. The frameworks relevant to Boutique Bubs are:
- National Approved Learning Framework - State (VIC) Approved Learning Framework
The approved learning frameworks provide guidance to develop quality programs that support children's learning. They focus on outcomes for children and recognise that children learn from birth. They also consider the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child and take into account their individual differences.
The significance of the early years in relation to future learning as well as physical, behavioural and social development is recognized, and our curriculum is designed with this in mind.
At Boutique Bubs our unique curriculum is based on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), which is derived from the National and State (Vic) Approved Learning Frameworks, which has a strong emphasis on play-based learning and was designed to enhance children's learning from birth to 5 years of age. With this approach we firmly believe in the opportunity to 'play' whilst learning in a fun yet educational environment.
EYLF helps guide children towards achieving the following learning outcomes:
- developing a strong sense of identity
- being connected with and able to contribute to our world
- having a strong sense of wellbeing
- being confident and involved learners
- becoming effective communicators
Through play, inquiry, exploration, discussion and investigation, children develop their authentic selves and strengthen their thinking, communication and social skills.
Our curriculum focuses on the following key areas of development:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Language
- Science
- Art and music
- Social and life skills
- Problem solving and investigative skills
Environment at Boutique Bubs
Through our carefully planned environments we inspire curiosity, foster creativity and support discovery with a variety of sensory-rich spaces. Interior environments are comfortable and modern, and carefully designed to reflect the unique personality of the Centre. Children's works are clearly on display and resources placed at children's height giving children a sense of ownership of the space.
Our daily routines and programs are displayed in each room for your viewing. We invite parents and guardians to discuss the activities, experiences and subsequent developmental outcomes.
We also welcome and encourage feedback and communication from parents and families. You are welcome to visit our Centre at any time to observe or share in the experiences with your child.
Technology at Boutique Bubs
As a futures-orientated early learning Centre we embrace and integrate technology into our curriculum. Appropriate and safe use of technology such as Early Years Math, Literacy and Science programs are delivered through classroom iPads and aim to expand, enrich, extend and differentiate the curriculum.
For parents, digital kiosks are located at the entrance of each of your children's rooms making the process of signing your children in and out of the Centre each day quick and easy.
Nursery Room
At Boutique Bubs our Nursery provides a nurturing and attentive environment ensuring we do our best to cater to various sleeping, eating and settling routines. We feel very privileged to be entrusted with your child's care each time you walk through our doors. It is very important to us that each child and their family feel that they are part of our Boutique Bubs family.
At Boutique Bubs we understand each infant's needs are different. Our educators work in collaboration with families to develop a daily routine that is familiar, consistent and therefore predictable to your child, instilling a strong sense of trust and security.
In our homelike environment they will be stimulated without being overwhelming while we focus on the development of both fine and gross motor skills. Our program offers each child one-on-one and group activities, gentle play and safe exploration. We help provide structure through a consistent routine inclusive of free play, structured play, group times and outdoor experiences.
From drawing and painting to music and dancing our activities enhance creative thinking and personal expression. With a variety of craft, books, construction, puzzles and natural materials, their language, literacy and numeracy experiences are integrated through every aspect of their daily journey in an age appropriate way.
We understand how making the decision to leave your baby in childcare can fill any parent with mixed emotions. We want you to feel supported, comfortable and confident in your decision to bring your baby to Boutique Bubs. We take our role in caring for your baby very seriously.
We are committed to making every child's experience at Boutique Bubs a positive, fun and one which stimulates growth and development.
Toddler Room
This is a time full of exploration and discovery as the children gain an increasing sense of self. Along with a greater awareness of themselves and their peers the Toddlers are constantly learning to express their emotions and needs. As they do this they will require help navigating boundaries in a safe yet fun environment.
Our learning experiences aim to incorporate all developmental areas, through age appropriate experiences over the course of the day. We love to have group mat sessions where we share experiences from our home and lives or we like to have group story times. All children are encouraged to interact in group play, to teach the values of sharing and cooperation as they develop friendships. There are times where children want to experience things on their own and we certainly encourage them to take the lead.
We provide a number of learning programs that include self-help skills, social skills, daily life skills, pretend play as well as introducing problem solving and investigation skills. You'll expect to see plenty of messy play activities with masterpieces to take home and display!
Outdoor play, as in all of our rooms, is high on the agenda in the Toddler room so you'll find us outside whenever possible.
At Boutique Bubs we strive to set the foundation for enduring curiosity, lasting self-confidence and lifelong learning. We support and nurture each child's growing confidence as they move to greater independence, gently preparing them for their journey towards kinder.
Boutique Bubs offers a full day, 5 days a week, 3-5 year-old kindergarten program. A qualified kindergarten teacher will plan and implement a challenging educational program aimed at fostering the development of your child based on their individual needs and interests.
Our kindergarten curriculum continues to emphasize play-based learning, however we offer additional intentional learning times where the focus is on literacy and numeracy, socialisation, self-regulation and independence. Additionally, we offer structured learning times to focus on number concepts, perceptual skills and pre-writing skills such as tracing, completing patterns and reproducing patterns.
Being socially competent more adequately prepares children to take on the challenges that school presents. Our Teacher and educators create an inclusive environment, encouraging positive gender, racial and cultural understanding and provide learning experiences that build confidence, resilience and self- esteem. Our focus is to make sure children are equipped to confidently handle the transition into school while also setting the stage for a successful, lifelong path of continued learning.
To complement our kindergarten curriculum we also incorporate an external program called The Resilience Project (TRP) Early Years Program. TRP is a positive mental wellbeing program specially designed for children in kinder and early learning centres. TRP Early Years Curriculum has been mapped against The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). TRP’s mission is to teach positive mental health strategies to help people become happier and more resilient and focuses on the TRP key pillars of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy.
Excursions are an important part of our kindergarten curriculum at Boutique Bubs. Venturing out into the local area allows children to explore the world around them, form their own identities and feel a part of a community.
Our kindergarten program runs within long day care hours so we operate from 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday, are open 52 weeks a year and on all school holidays which allows us to cater for most family/work situations. We do not operate on public holidays.
Here is what other parents are saying - Parent Testimonials »
Kinder Tick
Thinking about enrolling your child in a kindergarten program? Look for the #KinderTick. The Kinder Tick is used by early childhood education and care services across Victoria to show their kinder program is approved to receive Victorian Government funding.
When you see the Kinder Tick, you can be confident:
- the program will be led by a qualified early childhood teacher
- children will benefit from play-based learning
- the kindergarten program is funded and approved by the Victorian Government
- the program meets government guidelines and complies with the National Quality Framework.
By looking for the Kinder Tick, you can be sure your child is taking part in an evidence-informed, play-based learning program that meets government guidelines.
Boutique Bubs Early Education is proud to display the Kinder Tick.
Music Program – Hey Dee Ho
Hey Dee Ho offers fun and educational music classes that caters for all of our age groups within the Centre. The weekly music class enhances children’s development while they are having fun. Singing, dancing, playing percussion instruments and musical games stimulate the children’s creativity and imagination.

Hey Dee Ho Active 8
Hey Dee Ho Active 8 is a movement and fitness program for children of all ages where they explore and discover their abilities through physical activity. Children enjoy performing a diverse range of movements including cheerleading and Tai Chi, where they think, create, construct and problem solve with their own bodies.
The Hey Dee Ho Active 8 program provides children with fun activities to learn more about health and nutrition, build on strength and coordination, gross motor and sports skills. Engaging and stimulating for both mind and body, the program also covers; spatial awareness, balance and core, aerobic and cardio fitness, strength and resistance, and mindfulness.